Q. Is there public access to Mt Chocolate.
A. No, there is no public access to Mt Chocolate. However an open day in Summer will be held each year, that people can attend. Entry will be by Gold Coin donation. All funds raised will be given to schools to buy books, the hospice, and other acts of human solidarity.

Q. Can I visit Redworks, Mike's Art Studio.
A. No, Redworks is not available for members of the public to visit. It is a completely private place for Mike to work. Details of exhibitions at public Art Galleries will be advertised on the Redworks website.

Q. Why is it taking so long
A. Good things take time. Besides, Tracy and Mike both have significant physical challenges which mean that everything takes a lot longer to do.

Q. What's with all the yellow pegs, there are even blue pegs and yellow painted profile boards.
A. Why not. Everything is colour coded. There are even red pegs.

Q. Why is it called Mt Chocolate.
A. Tracy thought the piles of clay looked like Caramel Chocolate. The piles of peat looked like Dark Chocolate. The mossy bits looked a bit like Mint Chocolate. So the name stuck.

Q. So is there any Chocolate.
A. Yes. Come to an exhibition opening and there is lots of chocolate, mountains of the stuff.

Q. Can I volunteer, are there any internships available.
A. No, however, mates are welcome anytime who want to help Mike plant trees or lift stuff. Just ring Mike or Tracy first and always bring your gumboots.

Q. Why has the landscaping been done first instead of the house.
A. The whole project is being done like a piece of art, like an oil painting, music composition or sculpture in clay. Everything is being done by eye, does it feel right. Layer upon layer of patina and texture. Working from dreams. The buildings are being designed to fit into this emergent landscape.

Q. I heard that there is going to be a scientific monitoring project of the native forest area at Mt Chocolate.
A. Yes, there is. It is to discover the changes in the soil as the ecosystems emerge. And record changes in the species composition, structure, competition and disturbance in the forest and wetlands. Just simple recording of how things change over time. An example would be; does the soil pH become more acidic over time. Or, does the soil temperature rise and fall over the year become less as the vegetation cover increases. Use of technology and automation is being planned to help do this (Arduino, drone) and all data will be made publicly available from this website.

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