Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

An Exhibition Thank You

I would like to thank all the family, friends and neighbours who visited the recent Mt Chocolate exhibition to have a look, showed a lot of curiosity and got Mike thinking even more. 150 visited the exhibition during the week which was a good turnout given the location. In addition 20 attended (child and a parent together) a creative workshop by Mike for dyslexic minds.

Thanks are also given to;
  • Ari Edgecombe, Jan Ormsby, Frazer Murdoch, Steve Solomon and Elaine Matheson from the South Alive Arts Group for help with arranging and setting up the exhibition.
  • Nikki Aaron and Cress Evans from the office, Peggy Peek and Margaret Cook and the other South Alive Trustees for making the gallery available. Peggy for her wonderful welcome to guests at the opening.
  • Chris Cole of Dyslexia Support Southland for organising the creative workshop for dyslexic children with their parents.
  • Chris Dawson from Lego Users Group South (SouthLUG) for the loan of a big bucket of 20Kg of Lego bricks.
  • Chris and Brian Rance from Southland Community Nursery for the loan of 30 native plants.
  • David Fallow for heavy lifting, Steve Woller for a whole lot of heavy lifting and for being a wise sounding board about graphic design.
  • Ross Nicoll from Southland Woodworkers Guild (SWG) for the loan of a scroll saw used to make the 1:25 scale model buildings.
  • And finally Tracy Peters of Bodkin fame for keeping Mike to task, Chocolate catering, guiding visitors, driving, invitations and everything else that happens behind the scenes.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Mt Chocolate - The Exhibition A4 Poster

Here is the poster for Mt Chocolate - The Exhibition

The poster can be downloaded as a PDF for printing
Mt Chocolate: The Exhibition A4 Poster

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Mt Chocolate - The Exhibition

Discover the hidden story behind a nature conservation project and the building of a home and art studio in Clifton, Invercargill.

An exhibition by Filmmaker and Sculptor Mike Peters

Sunday 16 - Sunday 23 July, 10am - 4pm
South Alive Art Gallery
South City Mall, Elles Rd, Invercargill

 Architectural Models + Landscape & Botanical Photography + Handmade Book + Design & Construction Drawings